Cruise Registration

If you wish and have a 1990 or older classic or vintage car or truck or 1981 and Newer Special Interest vehicle, you are welcome to register and be part of the Road Legends Cruisers. 

Or, if you are not connected to the Internet you may register at any one of our Cruise-Ins. We'll be giving away lots of prizes, name plates, trophies and related Classic Car Awards at each Cruise-In. So please register with us as soon as you can.

Members' Classic Car pictures will be proudly displayed on our Registered Cruisers Pages for friends and the world to see.

If you have a recent picture of your classic car or If you would like us to take a new picture and place it on the Road Legends Cruisers' Web Site, please let us know.

There is no charge for registration. 

Please email your Name, Address, Telephone No., Description and Image of your Classic Car to:   Reg & Mary

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